First, thanks for taking the time to read and to respond. I really appreciate it.
I do not, however, agree with your predicates. Here are some actual facts. You can look them up for yourself, if you care to.
--In 2008 Joe Biden was one half of the ticket that received the most votes in all American history.
--Prior to 2016 Hillary Clinton topped many polls and was termed 'the most popular politician'
--In 2016 Hillary Clinton received every last media endorsement worth receiving.
--In 2016 Hillary Clinton dominated at the debates.
--In 2016 Hillary Clinton polled consistently and well ahead of Donald Trump.
If that's not enough for you, here's the zinger:
In 2016 Hillary Clinton received almost 66 MILLION votes, nearly 3 million more than the other guy and, as noted in The New Yorker, more votes than any white guy in our history.