I appreciate that you took the time to read and to respond. Thank you so much!
The first, and foremost, purpose of the writing is to determine, as much as I can, observable reality. This is so that I may deal with as it is and not as I may wish it to be. Whether or not this will 'gain a single additional vote' or not, is entirely secondary. I'm analyzing the game, not playing in it.
Positing media statements and emphasis ('good people on both sides' and the number of covid infections, etc...) and attributing them to Democrats isn't, per se, an exercise in reality checking. (Note Bene: it the _D_emocrats, or did you twice use the small 'd' purposefully? Every last citizen, of whatever political bent, is a small 'd' democrat, strictly speaking...)
On the matter of 'the lopsided distribution of irrationality,' I'll just note that your efforts at a response betray a regard for my rationality--you think you can persuade me with reason--that I'm skeptical is equally directed at 'the other side.'