I'm quite sure politics was 'integrated' (interesting choice of words...) before Norman Vincent Peale was born. I think it more accurate to say he was one of the earliest to explicitly wed conservatism to a kind of religious activism
The 'American first' campaign started during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson in reaction to a growing wave of immigrants styling themselves 'Italian-Americans' or 'German-Americans,' etc. Nativists felt insulted that our demonym should play second fiddle to any other. All this coincident to drastically curtailling of previously unfettered immigration. After WWI, growing more virulent during WWII, it morphed from American, the demonyn, before any other into America, the country, before any other. A more or less predictable evolution.
I have a family member who is an ardent proponent of 'positive thinking.' This person is fairly unimaginative and doesn't undertake much in the way of risky behaviors... However, when reality clashes with this persons outlook--as it quite often does, in ways both large and small-- and thus delivers an undesired outcome, the result is often ferocious rage. I mean crockery shattering, curse-filled tirades that are immune to reason and must only be endured.