Language doesn’t create the world. The description of reality is not reality. The word is not the thing. Language is only a matter of seeing the world in a higher resolution
Isn’t that ‘higher resolution’ exactlly the point?
Not “seeing the world in a higher resolution” means to know the world only when we stub our toes against it: pain resulting from an unknowing, even blundering, and blunt, reaching out. You can know the limits of the world by running full speed into the wall that it may be. Or you could open your eyes first.
This notion of description divorced from the world it describes is the pernicious root of all insincerity in politics: the liars congugate of the old cliche that the truth hurts; they turn around, then, and say that everything that hurts, therefore, must be the truth. Then they work to cause the hurt and blame someone else.
Higher resolution, indeed…