This is most definitely true. It seems like movies like The Help or Green Book (i.e. films that depict a White Savior character) tend to do extremely well
Yes, but the plot of Green Book is put in motion by a Black man who approached a White man and said, in essence, “be my saviour (while I’m in the South.)”. I, at least, admired the straightforwardness of the film.
I mean, that was the dynamic, was it not? Can you deny that?
It’s not of much use kicking against it and saying it shouldn’t have been that way. Yeah, maybe it shouldn’t have been so. But it was so.
Green Book did well with the Academy because it is a good movie. Viggo Mortenson is a fantastic actor… and Mahershala Ali is every bit his equal.
And, in the end, it was the Black man who freed the White man from his prejudices and who helped enrich the White man’s marriage. Who, exactly, ended up as the saviour here?