When he was governor of Massachusetts in 1812, Mr. Gerry signed a bill allowing his party to draw State Senate districts that were meant to favor its candidates over the rival Federalists. One serpentine district looked to some like a salamander; a Boston editorial cartoonist drew it with a head and claws and labeled it the “gerry-mander.”
You forgot to mention the context: in 1812 the sole holder of the franchise was white, landholding, men. No woman could vote. No black man could vote. No white man who did not own land could vote. In 1812, the contest was between some, white, landowners who favored the Federalists and other, white, landowners who favored the Democratic-Republicans. It just goes to show you want short-sighted tactics will get you…
Or, put another way, as Thomas Aquinas said: nothing is good or evil, except its manner of usage make it so.